Open meniscal allograft transplantation with transosseous suture fixation of the meniscal body significantly decreases meniscal extrusion rate compared with arthroscopic technique
Arthroscopy Apr 15, 2019
Merkely G, et al. - Data from subjects who underwent arthroscopic or open lateral meniscal allograft transplantation (MAT) were evaluated to study the meniscal extrusion rates following lateral "bridge-in-slot" MAT with arthroscopic vs open insertion. Similar absolute meniscal extrusion was noticed between the groups. As compared to candidates treated with open MAT (>3 mm in 5 patients [50%] with arthroscopic MAT and 0 patients with open MAT), they found a significantly larger relative percentage of extrusion (arthroscopic MAT, 31 ± 27 mm; open MAT) and a significantly higher extrusion rate in patients treated with arthroscopic MAT. Transosseous fixation of the meniscal body seemed as a shield against meniscal extrusion after MAT.
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