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Onset, progression and resolution of experimental peri-implant mucositis at different abutment surfaces: A randomized controlled two-centre study

Journal of Clinical Periodontology Apr 25, 2018

Schwarz F, et al. - Researchers evaluated the onset, progression and resolution of experimentally induced peri-implant mucositis lesions at abutments with different microstructures in humans. They accomplished the study in 3 phases, including a wound healing period (WH) following implant placement (12 weeks), a plaque exposure phase (EP—21 days) and a resolution phase (RP—16 weeks). Findings suggested that in both the groups, the onset, progression and resolution of experimental peri-implant mucositis lesions were comparable. No significant difference in clinical parameters, MMP-8 levels and DNA counts of major bacterial species at any follow-up visit (i.e. EP and RP) was noted between the groups.
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