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One-year follow-up of pars plicata vs pars plana application of transscleral micropulse cyclophotocoagulation

Journal of Glaucoma Apr 08, 2021

Waibel S, Herber R, Pillunat LE, et al. - In this prospective interventional case series, researchers compared the effectiveness and safety of micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation applied at the level of the pars plicata transscleral micropulse cyclophotocoagulation (PLI-MPC) vs the pars plana transscleral micropulse cyclophotocoagulation (PLA-MPC). They involved 44 eyes of 31 medically treated primary open-angle glaucoma patients scheduled for micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation to achieve further intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction. PLI-MPC and PLA-MPC appear to be safe and effective in lowering IOP further in approximately 60% of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma who did not achieve target pressure despite maximally tolerated IOP-lowering medication. Although there was no statistically significant difference in the IOP-lowering effect between groups, the pars plicata application was superior and easier to perform and should be recommended as the preferred method of application.

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