Oncological results and recurrent risk factors following abdominal radical trachelectomy: An updated series of 333 patients
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mar 14, 2019
X Li, et al. - Via this retrospective study, researchers sought to update the oncological results in young patients with early-stage cervical cancers after abdominal radical trachelectomy (ART) in addition to recognizing recurrent risk factors. They studied 271 patients with squamous carcinomas (SCC), 51 with pure adenocarcinomas (AC), and 11 with adenosquamous carcinomas (AS). Outcomes suggest the achievement of a promising survival rate after ART. Results further support that, for well-selected patients with stage IB1 cervical cancers ≥2 cm, ART was a safe option. However, they recommend practicing caution when considering ART in patients with tumors ≥2 cm with AS histology.
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