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Ocular surface biopsies of patients with xeroderma pigmentosum in the United Kingdom: A retrospective observational case series

British Journal of Ophthalmology Oct 04, 2020

Vekinis J, et al. - Through retrospective analysis of medical records, researchers sought to describe the outcomes of all ocular surface biopsies conducted on patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) under the care of the UK Nationally Commissioned XP Service as well as the treatment of any subsequent ocular surface conditions diagnosed. All XP patients seen by the service from 2010 to 2019 have been included and those with ocular surface biopsies have been identified. Of 108 patients seen in the service, 17 had at least one ocular surface biopsy. Data reported that 47% of biopsy outcomes needed no additional treatment but, of those that did, 50% received mitomycin C. This is the largest reported series of ocular surface biopsies in XP patients. It identifies a background of ocular surface melanocytic, degenerative and inflammatory changes, with patients with XP-C presenting the most severe effects. The authors illustrate the problems faced in interpreting their histopathology and in planning subsequent treatments.

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