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Ocular manifestations and viral shedding in tears of pediatric patients with coronavirus disease 2019: A preliminary report

Journal of AAPOS Jun 12, 2020

Valente P, Iarossi G, Federici M, et al. - Researchers assessed 27 pediatric patients with confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection in order to determine ocular manifestations and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) prevalence in the tears among these children. At admission, all patients had ocular manifestations, 4 (15%) were asymptomatic, 15 (56%) had respiratory symptoms, and 8 (30%) showed gastrointestinal symptoms. Four patients (15%) had ocular manifestations consistent with mild viral conjunctivitis. At first conjunctival swab, positive findings for COVID-19 were noted in 3 patients (11%), 1 symptomatic and 2 asymptomatic for ocular infection; 2 became negative on the second test and 1 on the third. Per these findings, pediatric patients seem to have a milder clinical course of ocular manifestations of COVID-19 compared with adults. Although there was low prevalence and rapid regression of viral presence in the conjunctiva, SARS-CoV-2 transmission through tears may be possible, even in cases with no apparent ocular involvement.

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