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Occurrence, predictors and outcome of infections at three months in hospitalized patients with SLE: A prospective study from Southern India

Lupus Apr 03, 2020

Alur S, et al. - This study was intended to examine the frequency and predictors of infections in hospitalized systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) individuals. In this study, 212 SLE individuals (91% women) were hospitalised during the study period. Pneumonia, skin and soft-tissue infections and urinary-tract infections were the most common infections. It was noted that 29.7% of Indian SLE individuals who are hospitalized have infections, resulting in a significantly increased duration of hospital stay. The results demonstrate that presence of fever and co-morbidities are prognosticators of infection. As per the results, the role of high hsCRP to support the diagnosis of infection in SLE is once again verified.

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