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Obstetric outcomes of pregnancy complicated by urolithiasis: A retrospective cohort study

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jan 19, 2018

Clennon EK, et al. - A comparison was performed of obstetric outcomes of pregnancies complicated by urolithiasis to all other pregnancies in a statewide, multiyear database. Researchers recognized increased rates of obstetric complications including GDM, endometritis, and preeclampsia for pregnancies complicated by urolithiasis. These pregnancies were significantly more likely to result in cesarean delivery as well as preterm delivery and its subsequent neonatal complications. Significantly higher length of stay and costs were observed for deliveries complicated by urolithiasis. An increased stone formation with increased maternal weight (a factor that was not included in this analysis) could explain the association with gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Use of opiates for pain control in the setting of urolithiasis may attribute to the increased likelihood of NAS.
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