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Obstetric neonatal brachial plexus and facial nerve injuries: A 17 years single tertiary maternity hospital experience

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Oct 28, 2019

Rehm A, et al. - Researchers sought to determine the incidence of obstetric neonatal brachial plexus and facial nerve injuries in a tertiary maternity hospital in the United Kingdom. In addition, they sought for the associated risk factors with an emphasis on the time of delivery. Searching their hospital electronic databases, they identified 87,461 live births. Among these, 29 suffered a facial nerve injury and 45 suffered a brachial plexus injury. A significant positive association was observed between “facial nerve injury” and “forceps delivery”, “Ventouse delivery” and “emergency Caesarean section” and between “brachial plexus injury “and “birthweight”, “forceps delivery” and “Ventouse delivery”. The weekend and out of hours deliveries were not identified to be at increased risk. A full recovery was observed in all babies with a nerve injury. Findings thereby indicate a low obstetric neonatal nerve injury rate (0.085%) at researchers' institution. Their brachial plexus injury rate (0.051%) was about one-third of a historical rate from Ireland (0.15%) and half of the rate recently reported from the United States (0.12%). These low rates could be attributable to their staff dealing with many high-risk pregnancies.
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