Obstetric complications after laparoscopic excision of posterior deep infiltrating endometriosis: A case–control study
Fertility and Sterility Aug 13, 2018
Nirgianakis K, et al. - Obstetric outcomes and complications in women with previously excised posterior deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) were assessed vs women without endometriosis via a matched case-control study. Researchers assessed all surgeries for endometriosis performed in the Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology, University of Bern between March 2004 and July 2015, with complete laparoscopic excision of posterior DIE as inclusion criteria. They matched each subsequent pregnancy to three controls by maternal age, parity, history of cesarean, and mode of conception. Women with history of DIE displayed a higher risk of placenta previa, gestational hypertonia, and intrauterine growth restriction during pregnancy, despite previous surgical excision. Previous surgery for DIE seems not to predispose to failed vaginal delivery.
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