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Obesity is common at diagnosis of childhood pituitary adenoma and may persist following successful treatment

Clinical Endocrinology Jan 23, 2020

Sethi A, Didi M, Dharmaraj P, et al. - Since there is a lack of data reporting long-term outcomes of pediatric patients with pituitary adenoma, researchers conducted this retrospective cohort study to describe clinical characteristics, treatment, and outcomes of a pediatric cohort. Participants in the study were 24 white Caucasian individuals aged < 16 years from a single tertiary care centre in the United Kingdom at diagnosis followed for (median, range) 3.3, 0.7-8.4 years. According to results, obesity is common in childhood diagnosis of pituitary adenoma and may persist despite successful therapy. Adenomas were larger, more resistant to therapy, and more likely to recur compared with adult populations. The authors propose active weight management should be recognized as an essential component of healthcare.
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