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Nutritional profile of purchases by store type: Disparities by Income and Food Program participation

American Journal of Preventive Medicine Jun 21, 2018

Taillie LS, et al. - The relationship between Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)-income status (participant, income-eligible non-participant, higher-income non-participant) and healthfulness of household purchases across store types was investigated in this analysis. Results revealed that the largest differences between SNAP participants and non-participants were seen at grocery stores and big-box stores, where SNAP households purchased more calories from starchy vegetables, processed meat, desserts, sweeteners and toppings, total junk food, sugar-sweetened beverages, and milk, than income-eligible and higher-income SNAP non-participants. In addition, SNAP purchases had considerably higher sodium density. The nutritional profile of income-eligible non-participants’ purchases was similar to higher-income households’ purchases across store types.
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