Novel magnetic nanoparticle-containing adhesive with greater dentin bond strength and antibacterial and remineralizing capabilities
Dental Materials Jun 24, 2018
Li Y, et al. - Researchers developed a magnetic nanoparticle-containing adhesive with dimethylaminohexadecyl methacrylate (DMAHDM), amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles (NACP) and magnetic nanoparticles (MNP). They also gauged the impacts on dentin bond strength, calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) ion release and anti-biofilm properties. Much greater dentin bond strength was yielded by the magnetic nanoparticle-containing adhesive with DMAHDM and NACP under a magnetic force. Biofilm CFU was decreased by 4 logs and the biofilm pH was increased from a cariogenic pH 4.5–6.9 with the novel adhesive. Therefore to enhance the resin-tooth bond, strengthen tooth structures, and suppress secondary caries at the restoration margins, this adhesive is promising.
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