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Novel caries loci in children and adults implicated by genome-wide analysis of families

BMC Oral Health Jun 08, 2018

Govil M, et al. - Experts evaluated the genetic factors responsible for dental caries in children and adults. The evidence in favour of novel chromosomal regions was provided by these multipoint linkage results, while the earlier association findings for these data were also supported. Designing personalized treatment plans based on an individual’s genetic risk of disease could be allowed with understanding the genetic etiology of dental caries. A potential role in dental caries in the 8 chromosomal regions was demonstrated by the following genes: CACNA1E, LAMC2, ALMS1, STAMBP, GXYLT2, SLC12A2, MEGF10, TMEM181, ARID1B, and, as well as genes in several immune gene families.
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