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Notch volume measured on mri is better than two-dimensional notch parameters for predicting non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury in males.

Arthroscopy Dec 05, 2020

Jha V, et al. - The present study was sought to assess and correlate intercondylar notch-volume with other two-dimensional notch parameters (measured on MRI) for prediction of non-contact Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in males. Researchers conducted a retrospective case-control study including 80 non-contact ACL-injured males and a control group of 80 age, height matched ACL-intact males. It was shown that in men, significantly smaller Intercondylar notch-volume is correlated with a non-contact ACL injury and is the most important prognosticator for such an injury (optimal cut-off of 7.1550 cm 3). In men, two-dimensional notch parameters are inconsistently correlated with a non-contact ACL injury and none of the 2D parameters can be applied as a surrogate for notch-volume. The data suggested that in males, two-dimensional notch parameters fare poorly in predicting non-contact ACL injury. The results considered that notch-volume measurement should factor in slice interval.

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