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Nonoperative geriatric hip fracture treatment is associated with increased mortality: A matched cohort study

Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Jun 28, 2019

Chlebeck JD, et al. - Two hundred thirty-one patients, comprising 154 operative and 77 nonoperative geriatric (65 years of age and older) femoral neck or intertrochanteric fracture (OTA/AO 31A and 31B) patients were included in a matched operative retrospective cohort study by the experts in order to notify the mortality data and life expectancy of geriatric patients who underwent nonoperative management and compare that with a cohort. No significant differences between the 2 cohorts in age, sex, fracture location, Charlson Comorbidity Index, preinjury living location, dementia, and history of cardiac arrhythmia were recognized. A significantly greater percent in-hospital, 30-day, and 1-year mortality were observed in nonoperatively managed patients. In comparison to the operative group, the mean life expectancy post-hip fracture for the nonoperative cohort was significantly shorter. Hence, 84.4% 1-year mortality of nonoperatively treated hip fracture patients was observed as that of a matched operative cohort. Further, the flat overall prognosis for nonoperatively treated geriatric hip fractures as well as the associated decline in mortality with surgical treatment was exhibited via this study. Also, this study proposed helpful information by providing updated mortality data while discussing nonoperative hip fracture management with patients and their families.
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