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Nonmedical factors and health-related quality of life in CKD in India

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Feb 14, 2020

Modi GK, Yadav AK, Ghosh A, et al. - Given patient-reported outcomes have attained prominence in chronic noncommunicable diseases management, and there is an increasing inclusion of measurement of health-related quality of life into medical decision making and health care delivery processes, so, to gain a better understanding, researchers analyzed a prospective cohort of individuals with mild to moderate CKD in the Indian Chronic Kidney Disease Study. For the inception cohort (n = 2,919), baseline health-related quality of life scores were presented on 5 subscales: mental component summary, physical component summary, burden, the influence of kidney disease, and symptom and problems; each scored 0–100. Experts assessed the links of socioeconomic and clinical parameters with the five subscale scores as well as lower quality of life. Negative link of socioeconomic variables such as women, lower education, and lower income, with decreased scores across all subscales, was identified. Inconsistent or no link of medical factors with subscale scores was reported. Regional differences were shown by the quality of life scores. In this first of its kind study from India, predominantly socioeconomic factors were found to be related to the quality of life scores among CKD patients.
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