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Non-union in lateral locked plating for distal femoral fractures: A systematic review

Injury Jul 18, 2019

Wang MT, et al. - Researchers sought for the patient and intra-operative factors that contribute to non-union in locked lateral plating for distal femoral fractures via performing a systematic review. Searching English-language articles in Ovid Medline, PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews according to the PRISMA guidelines, they identified 8 studies investigating 1380 distal femoral fractures that satisfied the inclusion and exclusion criteria. As per findings, multiple factors, including stainless steel plate material, high construct rigidity scores and purely locking screw constructs, were the potential contributors to non-union. Findings thereby reflect that overly rigid plating constructs can contribute to non-union.
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