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Non-invasive measurement of muscle compartment elasticity in lower limbs to determine acute compartment syndrome: Clinical results with pressure related ultrasound

Injury Dec 04, 2019

Sellei RM, Wollnitz J, Reinhardt N, et al. - Since close monitoring of patients at risk is well known to be essential for developing an acute compartment syndrome, researchers conducted this prospective study to ascertain the feasibility of muscle elasticity measurements by a non-invasive device. The study sample consisted of patients with elevated intra-compartmental pressure. The relative elasticity of their paired limbs showed a significant difference in six trauma patients. The study presented seems to be a promising approach to reliably evaluate the pressure in a muscle compartment. The measurement method is a low cost, easy and secure approach in this first clinical study that has the potential to replace invasive measurement. In order to improve its practicality and confirm the reliability, further investigations and development in lager cohorts are needed.
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