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Non-invasive hemodynamic profiling of patients undergoing hemodialysis: A multicenter observational cohort study

BMC Nephrology Sep 12, 2019

Doenyas-Barak K, de Abreu MHFG, Borges LE, et al. - As the main parameter currently utilized for monitoring hemodynamics during hemodialysis (HD) is intradialytic blood pressure (BP) measurement, researchers focused on the use of a new non-invasive monitoring system for profiling hemodynamic response patterns during HD. Among chronic HD patients recruited from 4 medical centers, cardiac index, total peripheral resistance index (TPRI), cardiac power index (CPI) among other parameters were assessed using a whole-body bio-impedance system. Baseline features and 1-year mortality were compared between patients classified into 5 hemodynamic profiles on the basis of their main hemodynamic response during dialysis: high TPRI; high CPI; low CPI; low TPRI and those with normal hemodynamics. Of 144 patients included, with mean age of 67.3 ± 12.1 years, 65 (45.1%) had reduced intradialytic BP, with low CPI (47 (72.3%)) and low TPRI (18 (27.7%) detected in these. Patients with low CPI (23.4%) and low TPRI (22.2%) exhibited the highest mortality rates at 1-year follow-up. Relevant hemodynamic information was offered by non-invasive evaluation of patients’ response to HD; this information exceeded that obtained with currently used BP measurements. The potential utility of these online analyses in enhancing the safety and performance standards of dialysis, through guiding appropriate interventions, especially in responding to hypertension and hypotension, was highlighted.
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