Nocturnal haemodialysis is associated with a reduced occurrence of low triiodothyronine serum levels in haemodialysed patients
Clinical Kidney Journal Feb 19, 2020
Netti GS, Rotondi M, Di Lorenzo A, et al. - By performing a retrospective, single-centre cohort analysis, researchers assessed the link between dialysis regimen and thyroid function, and consequently with the main patient results. Participants were 220 incident chronic haemodialysis (HD) patients managed over an 8-year period (from January 2010 to December 2017). Significantly lower survival rates were seen in patients with low low free triiodothyronine (fT3) levels (< 3.05 ng/mL) vs those with normal fT3 levels (> 3.05 ng/mL), although the two groups did not show substantial disparities in the demographic and clinical features. Using propensity score 1:3 matching, experts matched 25 patients managed with nocturnal HD to 75 patients treated with diurnal HD. After this, significantly higher survival rates and lower incidence of cardiovascular events were observed in long nocturnal haemodialysis patients vs patients on diurnal dialysis. As per the findings, outcomes could be ameliorated by applying alternative dialysis regimens, also decreasing the frequency of low T3, which ultimately decreases the incidence of cardiovascular events in HD patients.
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