No influence of Ibuprofen on bone healing after Colles’ fracture - A randomized controlled clinical trial
Injury Jun 13, 2019
Aliuskevicius M, et al. - Via this prospective controlled study, researchers examined if pain, function, and bone healing after a Colles’ fracture are influenced by ibuprofen administration. This single center, triple-blind, randomized clinical trial included 95 patients [80 females and 15 males; median age 65 (range 40–85) years] with displaced Colles’ fracture undergoing external fixation from June 2012 through June 2015. Of 89 participants receiving interventional medicine, 83 completed the one-year follow-up. They administered 600 mg of ibuprofen three times a day in the 7-day ibuprofen group; ibuprofen for three days and a placebo for the following four days were administered in the 3-day ibuprofen group; in the placebo group, a placebo was administered for seven days. Outcomes revealed a tramadol-sparing effect of ibuprofen treatment during the postoperative period. They noted no influence on either wrist function or radiological migration. Compared to the placebo-treated group, they noted a higher complication rate in the ibuprofen-treated group.
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