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No differences between individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain and asymptomatic individuals on seven cervical sensorimotor control tests: A cross-sectional study

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy Aug 30, 2019

de Zoete RMJ, et al. - Fifty participants with chronic idiopathic neck pain and 50 age and sex-matched asymptomatic controls were recruited in a cross-sectional study by the experts in order to contrast cervical sensorimotor control outcomes between individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain and asymptomatic individuals via a battery of recommended tests, and to examine the relationship between cervical sensorimotor control outcomes and pain intensity and neck disability. No variations in cervical sensorimotor outcomes between participants with chronic idiopathic neck pain and asymptomatic controls for any test were found. For each test, ‘poor performers’ comprised of both individuals with and without neck pain. Associations were weak between tests and levels of neck pain and neck disability. Thus, these conclusions infer that in individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain, sensorimotor control disturbances may not be present, spawning debate on the clinical utility of these tests.
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