Nifedipine alone or combined with sildenafil citrate for management of threatened preterm labour: A randomized trial
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Apr 19, 2019
Maher MA, et al. - Researchers performed this prospective randomized study including 239 women with threatened preterm labor (PTL) in order to assess and compare the tocolytic action of nifedipine combined with sildenafil citrate (SC) and nifedipine alone. Women were randomized to receive either nifedipine 20 mg orally (stat dose), followed by 10 mg orally every 6–8 hours at the same time as vaginal administration of SC (25 mg at 8-hourly intervals) or nifedipine alone. Outcomes revealed fewer deliveries within 7 days of admission, prolonged latency, fewer admissions to neonatal intensive care units, fewer very preterm deliveries, and increased neonatal birthweight among women who received SC in addition to nifedipine. Findings thereby support the efficacy of vaginal SC combined with nifedipine as tocolytic therapy during threatened PTL.
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