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Neonatal phototherapy and future risk of childhood cancer

International Journal of Cancer Jan 31, 2019

Auger N, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers investigated whether neonatal phototherapy was linked to a higher risk of childhood cancer. Study participants included 786,998 infants born in hospitals in Quebec, Canada between 2006 and 2016, with 4,660,868 person-years of follow-up over an 11-year period. The incidence of childhood cancer was higher for infants with phototherapy and untreated jaundice vs unexposed infants. Phototherapy seemed to be related to late-onset solid tumors, including brain/central nervous system cancers. Overall, they concluded that neonatal phototherapy might be linked to a slightly higher risk of childhood solid tumors, but cannot rule out bilirubin effects. Unnecessary exposure to phototherapy should be minimized by adhering to recommended thresholds for treatment.

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