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Neonatal mortality after interhospital transfer of pregnant women for imminent very preterm birth in illinois

JAMA Pediatrics Apr 09, 2020

Shah KP, et al. - Researchers examined if there is an association between antenatal transfer to a level III hospital and neonatal mortality in infants who are very preterm (VPT). In this population-based cross-sectional study, they assessed 4,817 infants who were VPT (gestational age, 22-31 completed weeks) and were born to Illinois residents in 2015 and 2016. Outcomes revealed similar odds of mortality among neonates born very preterm in level III hospitals, regardless of whether women presented directly or were transferred to the level III hospital prior to delivery. Higher odds of mortality were observed among neonates born very preterm in non–level III hospitals than when women presented for delivery at level III hospitals. For women with threatened very preterm delivery, increasing antenatal transfers to level III hospitals may lead to reduction in neonatal mortality in infants who are very preterm.

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