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Neonatal listeriosis presentation and outcome: A prospective study of 189 cases

Clinical Infectious Diseases Apr 24, 2021

Charlier C, Kermorvant-Duchemin E, Perrodeau E, et al. - Since listeriosis is caused by the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes and it can present as a maternal-neonatal infection, researchers sought to implement the nationwide prospective cohort MONALISA and analyze the features of neonatal listeriosis. From November 2009 to December 2017, all neonates born alive from mothers with microbiologically-proven maternal-neonatal listeriosis were analyzed. Antenatal maternal antimicrobial therapy is associated with decreased neonatal listeriosis severity, supporting the use of preemptive maternal antimicrobial therapy when maternal-fetal listeriosis is suspected. The neonatal outcome is better than previously reported, and gestational age at birth is a major determinant.

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