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Nationwide prospective cohort study on cataract surgery with multifocal intraocular lens implantation in Japan

American Journal of Ophthalmology Aug 07, 2019

Negishi K, et al. - In order to determine clinical results and patient satisfaction and evaluate factors affecting patient satisfaction, researchers conducted a nationwide prospective cohort study of multifocal intraocular lens (mfIOL) implantation. From January 2017 to June 2018, a total of 1,051 consecutive patients (1,631 eyes) who had cataract surgery with mfIOL implantation at 65 Japanese institutions. The criteria for inclusion were patient age of 20 years and older and cataract surgery with mfIOL implantation. The criteria for exclusion were the lack of informed consent, completed postoperative questionnaires, and no record of the IOL models implanted. They analyzed data from 1,384 eyes of 871 patients. In this large patient cohort, MfIOLs provided good visual results and high rates of satisfaction. The result distinction with the extended depth-of-focus IOLs was not substantially different from the bifocal IOLs. For overall surgical satisfaction, postoperative blurred vision is important.
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