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Nationwide analysis of treatment outcomes in children and adolescents routinely treated for tuberculosis in the Netherlands

European Respiratory Journal Sep 19, 2019

Gafar F, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study utilizing a nationwide surveillance database, researchers examined children and adolescents (0–18 years) treated for tuberculosis (TB) in The Netherlands from 1993 to 2018, to assess the factors related to TB treatment outcomes enabling more focused interventions to support this population once diagnosed. Children aged 2–4 years, central nervous system TB, miliary TB, HIV coinfection, retreated TB cases, and drug-induced liver injury, were identified as risk factors of death. As for mortality, active case-finding was identified as a protective factor. Adolescents aged 15–18 years, illegal immigrants, urban domicile, unknown history of TB contact, drug-resistant TB, single adverse drug reaction (ADR), multiple ADRs and treatment interruption > 14 days were documented as risk factors of lost to follow-up (LTFU). Protective factors of LTFU included treatment in recent years and supervision by public health nurses. Among children and adolescents routinely treated for TB, findings revealed highly successful treatment outcomes. Specific risk groups deserve special attention so that treatment outcomes may be improved.
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