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National trends, outcomes, and costs of radiation therapy in the management of low- and high-intermediate risk endometrial cancer

Gynecologic Oncology Mar 18, 2019

Suidan RS, et al. - Researchers analyzed 10,842 patients to evaluate the treatment models, consequences, and costs for females with low-(LIR) and high-intermediate risk endometrial cancer (HIR) already treated with and without adjuvant radiotherapy. They observed a significant increase in survival (60% vs 47%) among those who had radiotherapy in the HIR group, but not in those in the LIR group. They also reported an increase in costs with a higher morbidity risk with radiotherapy. They found an association of radiotherapy with an improved risk of gastrointestinal (7 vs 4%), genitourinary (2 vs 1%), and hematologic (16 vs 12%) complications.

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