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National trends in emergency room visits of dialysis patients for adverse drug reactions

American Journal of Nephrology Jun 18, 2018

Chan L, et al. - Researchers used a nationally representative database, the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample, from 2008 to 2013, to determine adverse drug events (ADEs) in maintenance dialysis patients. They compared dialysis and propensity-matched non-dialysis patients with respect to Emergency Department (ED) visits. They used log binomial regression and logistic regression to calculate the relative risk of hospital admission and ORs for in-hospital mortality, respectively while adjusting for patient and hospital characteristics. They observed substantially higher ED visits for ADEs in dialysis patients vs non-dialysis patients. On the rise were ADEs related to agents primarily influencing blood constituents, as observed in dialysis patients. Higher inpatient admissions and in-hospital mortality were observed for ED visits for ADEs in dialysis patients.
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