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National study: most elderly patients benefit from earlier hip fracture surgery despite co-morbidity

Injury Oct 16, 2020

Rozenfeld M, Bodas M, Shani M, et al. - This study was attempted to calculate the potential influence of pre-operative patient condition on the benefit of earlier hip fracture surgery for elderly patients. Researchers conducted a retrospective study including patients aged 65 and above with an isolated hip fracture following trauma, based on data from 19 hospitals of the national trauma registry available for the years 2015-2016. They conducted a Mediation analysis on a wide list of co-morbidities, medications, and clinical test results in order to establish the mediation of their relationship with in-hospital mortality by earlier hip fracture surgery. It was shown that earlier hip fracture surgery was found to be useful for elderly patients even when their co-morbidities and medication intake are taken into account.

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