National patterns of care and cancer-specific outcomes of adjuvant treatment in patients with serous and clear cell endometrial carcinoma
Gynecologic Oncology Mar 18, 2019
Xiang M, et al. - Investigators studied 1,789 patients to analyze the results of adjuvant therapy for serous and clear cell endometrial carcinoma. Via SEER-Medicare, Patients with FIGO stages I–III serous or clear cell uterine carcinoma who had at least total hysterectomy were found. They noted the significance of brachytherapy for survival in stages I–II cases; the 4-year cancer-specific mortality (CSM) without brachytherapy or chemotherapy was 25%, 15% with one, and 9% with both. They also recorded that chemotherapy benefited stage III serous/clear cell cancers. They found that 81% of subjects had lymph node dissection, predicting lower CSM in stage III, but not stages I–II patients.
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