National and rural-urban prevalence and determinants of early initiation of breastfeeding in India
BMC Public Health Jul 13, 2019
Senanayake P, et al. - Using data from 94,401 mothers from the 2015–2016 India National Family Health Survey, researchers determined the prevalence as well as determinants of early initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF) in India. They also determined the extent to which these factors vary by a mother’s residence in the rural or urban region. Delayed breastfeeding initiation was reported in more than half of Indian mothers, as per the estimates, with different rural-urban prevalence. Higher maternal education and frequent health service contacts were identified as the essential modifiable factors that showed a link to EIBF in India, with notable difference in rural-urban populations. For all Indian mothers, EIBF can be improved via targeted and well-coordinated infant feeding policies and interventions.
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