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Nasal high‐flow oxygen vs conventional oxygen therapy for acute severe asthma patients: A pilot randomized controlled trial

Academic Emergency Medicine May 24, 2021

Ruangsomboon O, Limsuwat C, Praphruetkit N, et al. - Via this pilot nonblinded randomized controlled trial, an attempt was made to compare the efficacy of nasal high flow (NHF) vs conventional oxygen therapy (COT) for improving dyspnea in acute severe asthma patients experiencing hypoxemia in the emergency department (ED). A total of 37 such patients aged ≥ 18 years were included and randomly assigned to undergo either COT (n = 18) or NHF (n = 19) for 120 minutes. A reduction in the severity of dyspnea and respiratory rate was shown to be conferred by nasal high flow in this study population of hypoxemic patients with acute severe asthma in the ED.

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