Myocardial injury associated with coronavirus disease 2019 in pregnancy
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nov 10, 2020
Shetty SLP, Meirowitz N, Blitz MJ, et al. - Given the correlation of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) with cardiac injury and bradycardia in the nonpregnant population, researchers here examined pregnant and immediately postpartum women treated for severe or critical COVID-19, for the rate of abnormal serum cardiac biomarkers or bradycardia. At 7 hospitals within Northwell Health, the largest academic health system in the state of New York, they identified a total of 31 women from March 1, 2020, to April 30, 2020, meeting the inclusion criteria. Findings suggest that pregnant women with severe or critical COVID-19 may commonly exhibit myocardial injury as demonstrated by abnormal cardiac biomarkers and bradycardia. Elevations were observed in one-fifth of the included patients with measured troponin levels (one-eighth of the overall study population). Among patients with measured BNP levels, 30% were elevated (10% of the overall study population). Bradycardia was reported in one-third of the women.
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