Musculoskeletal pain reported by mobile patients with chronic kidney disease
Clinical Kidney Journal Feb 10, 2020
Molsted S, et al. - Researchers compared chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients with no mobility problems vs a general population in terms of the frequency of musculoskeletal pain experienced. They also inquired about the influence of pain on quality of life (QOL), physical activity and physical function. This analysis included CKD cases with Stages 4 and 5 with or without a dialysis treatment and no mobility problems. Relative to the general population, the frequency of musculoskeletal pain experienced by patients with CKD and no mobility problems was not more. However, this issue deserves the attention of healthcare professionals because up to two-thirds of the patient sample reported musculoskeletal pain. Findings revealed that the patients’ pain was related to negative influences on QOL, level of physical activity and physical function.
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