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Musculoskeletal health literacy is associated with outcome and satisfaction of total knee arthroplasty

Journal of Arthroplasty Mar 12, 2021

Narayanan AS, Stoll KE, Pratson LF, et al. - In this cross-sectional study, researchers intended to determine if there is an association between musculoskeletal health literacy with outcome and satisfaction after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The sample consisted of patients between one and six years postoperatively after primary TKA. Four hundred fifty-three people fully completed the survey of eligible participants. Patients with low musculoskeletal health literacy have worse outcomes and are less likely to be happy with their TKA, according to this report. By recognising these patients prior to surgery, it would be possible to focus on improving procedure expectations and comprehension, thus improving outcome measures and overall satisfaction.

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