Multiple scrotal cysts composed of combined syringomas and epidermal inclusion cysts: A previously unreported association
The American Journal of Dermatopathology Jan 07, 2020
Diep M, et al. - Researchers reported a unique case of a 16-year-old boy who came to the clinic with multiple cysts (at least 20) on the scrotum, most of which consisted of both epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC, frequently present in older men as single or multiple variants that were typically larger in size) and syringoma (tend to develop in young women as smaller multiple lesions) histologically, which are both benign lesions that are primarily asymptomatic and occur at different sites of the body. Notwithstanding both having unclear etiologies, the involvement of the eccrine duct had been a suggested mechanism in the development of both lesions. Thus, further study of eccrine ducts in the pathology of these lesions could be the base for evaluating the correlation among EICs and syringomas.
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