Multiple correspondence analysis as a strategy to explore the association between categories of qualitative variables related to oralâmaxillofacial trauma and violent crimes at the community level
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Sep 01, 2017
de Macedo Bernardino I, et al. – The aim of this cross–sectional study was to show the applicability of multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) in the detection and representation of underlying structures in large datasets used to examine oralÂmaxillofacial lesions. Based on the results of the present study, MCA has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool for exploring complex data associated with oralÂmaxillofacial trauma, confirming whether there is a connection and how variables are related. This multivariate method can also be very helpful in the study of several outcomes in oral and maxillofacial surgery and supporting specialties.
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