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Multimodal stepwise approach to reducing in-hospital opioid use after cesarean delivery: A quality improvement initiative

Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr 01, 2019

Smith AM, et al. - Researchers examined how a standardized, structured approach to in-hospital postcesarean delivery pain management is associated with maternal opioid use after cesarean delivery. A retrospective cohort study of women who underwent cesarean delivery before and after a quality improvement intervention was performed at a single tertiary care center. The preintervention (n=283) and postintervention (n=286) groups were not significantly different in terms of baseline characteristics. Outcomes revealed markedly reduced opioid consumption on implementing a multimodal stepwise approach to postcesarean delivery pain control, with no increase in hospital stay or median pain scores. It was identified that a tier-based approach to pain management could be operationalized by separating acetaminophen from opioids and limiting opioids to breakthrough pain.
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