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MRI followup of temporomandibular joint inflammation, deformation, and mandibular growth in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients receiving systemic treatment

The Journal of Rheumatology Jun 06, 2020

Bollhalder A, Patcas R, Eichenberger M, et al. - The present study was sought to evaluate the course of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) inflammation, osseous deformation, and mandibular ramus growth in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) during systemic therapy. Researchers conducted a longitudinal study including a total of 38 consecutive patients with JIA (29 female, median age 9.0 yrs, interquartile range 6.2–10.7 yrs) receiving systemic therapy with TMJ involvement, with 2 TMJ MRI examinations ≥ 2 years apart and no TMJ corticosteroid injection. They compared clinical and MRI findings between initial and followup examinations and between TMJ with and without active inflammation at baseline. This study's findings demonstrate that in children with JIA , systemic treatment of TMJ arthritis reduces the degree of inflammation seen on MRI, preserves osseous TMJ morphology, and maintains normal mandibular ramus growth.

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