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Mortality rates of humerus fractures in the elderly: Does surgical treatment matter?

Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Jun 28, 2019

Lander ST, et al. - Forty-two thousand five hundred eleven proximal humerus (PH) and 7,654 distal humerus (DH) fractures were assessed by the experts in order to estimate a statewide cohort of elderly patients with PH or DH fractures to judge mortality, length of stay, discharge data, readmission, and differences based on management. Higher mortality of PH fractures as that of DH was noted. Fifty-three percent and 76.2% of nonoperative treatment occurred in PH fractures and DH fractures respectively. In patients who were treated nonoperatively, more comorbid conditions with longer length of stay, and higher mortality at 7 days, 30 days, and 1 year were recognized. No difference in mortality between PH and DH fractures were observed, after controlling for patient demographics and comorbid conditions, however, lower mortality at all time points was correlated to operative treatment for either PH or DH. Hence, lesser PH as compared to DH fractures were treated operatively. Furthermore, in patients who were hospitalized with PH or DH fractures, operative treatment exhibited better survival, even after patient demographic and comorbid factors were controlled.
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