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Mortality in hip fractures: Stratifying the risk of operative delay and quantifying the benefit of early mobilisation

Injury Nov 02, 2020

McCormack P, , et al. - This study was carried out to investigate the variables affecting 30-day mortality in a socially deprived cohort against national models, and secondarily aimed to uncover and quantify new risk factors. Between 1st May 2008 and December 31st2017, researchers performed a single centre retrospective study based on the National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD) data for 3,176 hip fracture patients. These results validated the NHFD casemix adjusted model is a fair barometer for units treating a socially deprived cohort. A clear differentiation was observed between risk conveyed by delay to theatre for clinical reasons and implies delay for non-clinical reasons, although clearly not desired, may not have a significant impact on the death rate. It both amplifies and prompts future assessment into the potential advantage of early mobilization.

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