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Mortality and recovery associated with kidney failure due to acute kidney injury

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Jul 10, 2020

Shah S, Leonard AC, Harrison K, et al. - Researchers utilized the US Renal Data System to determine the frequency as well as patterns of recovery of AKI and also its impact on results in patients on incident dialysis. For this purpose, they performed a retrospective analysis of 1,045,540 patients on incident dialysis. Kidney failure because of AKI was present in 32,598 (3%) patients. Findings revealed that a higher risk of death in the first 6 months was conferred by kidney failure due to AKI vs kidney failure attributable to diabetes or other causes. Within 12 months, recovery was commonly reported, although less so in women vs men and in black, Asian, Hispanic, and Native American patients vs white patients.

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