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Mortality and implant survival with simultaneous and staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty experience from the Australian orthopaedic association national joint replacement registry

Journal of Arthroplasty May 22, 2018

Chua HS, et al. - Authors compared the rates, causes of revision and 30-day mortality between simultaneous and staged bilateral total knee arthroplasty (TKA) using data from the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry (AOANJRR). They obtained the rates and causes of revision and 30-day mortality rate for simultaneous bilateral and staged procedures with intervals of 1 day–6weeks, 6weeks–3months and 3months–6months. Findings suggested similar rates of revision of simultaneous and staged bilateral TKA over the medium term but that 30-day mortality was reduced in the 6weeks-3months group. Loosening/lysis and infection were the most common reasons for revision.
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