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Mortality and comorbidity after non-operatively managed, low-energy pelvic fracture in patients over age 70: A comparison with an age-matched femoral neck fracture cohort and general population

BMC Geriatrics Nov 28, 2019

Reito A, et al. - By performing a retrospective cohort study, researchers focused on the short- and long-term mortality rates of older patients with a pelvic ring fracture vs both an age-matched cohort of patients with a femoral neck fracture and a general population. They also determined 30- and 60-day readmission rates following a pelvic fracture. This study was conducted in an emergency department of a level II/III trauma center. There were 219 patients. The 30- and 90-day mortality was estimated to be 7.3 and 11.4%, respectively. Females and males had an 8.5-fold and 11.0-fold 90-day mortality risk, respectively, in relation to a pelvic fracture, relative to the general population. Readmission within 30 days for in-patient care was sought by 28 (12.8%) pelvic fracture patients. Findings revealed a resemblance in the mortality experienced by older patients with pelvic ring fractures vs that following hip fracture. Despite a rare need for surgical treatment in older patients with a pelvic ring fracture, the severity of the injury should not be viewed as a class apart from hip fracture.
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