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Molecular signatures of chronic periodontitis in gingiva: A genomic and proteomic analysis

Journal of Periodontology Feb 25, 2019

Guzeldemir-Akcakanat E, et al. - Using gene expression microarrays, investigators examined gingival tissues from 18 chronic periodontitis (CP) and 25 controls to study Molecular signatures of CP in the gingiva. They found the following most upregulated genes in CP vs controls: MZB1, BMS1P20, IGLL1/IGLL5, TNFRSF17, ALDH1A1, KIAA0125, MMP7, PRL, MGC16025, ADAM11. Whereas the most upregulated proteins in CP vs controls: BPI, ITGAM, CAP37, PCM1, MMP-9, MZB1, UGTT1, PLG, RAB1B, HSP90B1. They recorded following functions of identified genes: cell death/survival, DNA replication, recombination/repair, gene expression, organismal development, cell-to-cell signaling/interaction, cellular development, cellular growth/proliferation, cellular assembly/organization, cellular function/maintenance, cellular movement, B-cell development. They found the role of classified proteins in protein folding, response to stress, single-organism catabolic process, regulation of peptidase activity, and negative regulation of cell death. Cumulatively, they revealed an influential role of MZB1 in the occurrence of chronic periodontitis.
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