Modified version of Baby-Led Weaning does not result in lower zinc intake or status in infants: A randomized controlled trial
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Jun 01, 2018
Daniels L, et al. - Researchers compared Baby-Led Introduction to SolidS (BLISS), a modified version of Baby-Led Weaning (BLW), to traditional spoon-feeding with respect to zinc intakes, sources, and biochemical zinc status of infants following the interventions. Eight study visits (antenatal to 9 months) providing education and support regarding BLISS (ie, infant self-feeding from 6 months with modifications to address concerns about iron, choking, and growth) were offered to BLISS participants. Regression analyses adjusting for maternal education and parity and infant age and sex were used to investigate differences in dietary intakes and zinc status by group. Both the BLISS infants vs Control infants achieved similar zinc intake and status. However, these findings should not be generalized to infants following unmodified BLW as the BLISS intervention was modified to increase iron intake, which may have improved zinc intake.
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