Moderately increased albuminuria, chronic kidney disease and incident dementia: The HUNT study
BMC Nephrology Jul 18, 2019
Gabin JM, et al. - Researchers assessed incident dementia and its subtypes including Alzheimer disease (AD), Vascular dementia (VaD), a mixture of AD/VaD, and other dementias, in relation to estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and moderately increased albuminuria [formerly called microalbuminuria (MA)]. They joined data from the second wave of the HUNT 2 Study (1995–1997) with a dementia register recognized as the Health and Memory Study obtained from 1995–2011 in Nord-Trøndelag County, Norway. They used World Health Organization’s ICD-10 criteria and defined subtypes of dementia: AD,VaD, mixed AD/VaD, and other dementia. Findings revealed a link between MA and dementia, which reinforces the hypothesis that vascular mechanisms may influence both kidney and brain. However, no significant link of eGFR with dementia was found, independently of diabetes mellitus or hypertension.
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